Kelly Valentine Hendry CDG

Kelly has cast some of the biggest TV shows of the past decade, including Bridgerton, Broadchurch, Fleabag, Gangs of London and The Last Kingdom. She has won Casting Directors Guild Award and was nominated for an Emmy award for Netflix’s hit show Bridgerton.

We photographed Kelly alongside her wonderful team of Jessica, Maximilian, Gemma and Marijn. They brought such a fun, vibrant energy to the space and were all so warm and great to work with.


Yellowbelly: What are your 3 big ‘yes’ when you view someone’s spotlight that makes you want to invite them to audition?

Kelly: “The big hell yes is an interesting, accurate and engaging headshot. A well curated CV gets my attention too. I hate CVS that are clearly bolstered by credits that mean nothing. Less is more if they aren’t great.”


Yellowbelly: When skimming through a directory of headshot thumbnails for a casting, what sort of shots stand out to you the most?

Kelly: “All about the eyes. It’s true. I want to be invited in, I want to be curious about who that person is. I want to see a reflection of someones personality.”


Yellowbelly: How often do you contact actors you’ve previously auditioned, who were unsuccessful for roles that come up in the future?

Kelly: “All the time! You are in my offices mental Rolodex as soon as we engage with you – whether in an audition, general meeting, on stage or a self tape.“


Yellowbelly:What made you want to enter the casting world?

Kelly: “I love story telling and I wanted to be part of it – wasn’t sure in what capacity. I trained in stage management and fell into casting. It is a great job for combining lots of aspects of our world. The perk is getting to see lots of theatre.”


Yellowbelly: Do you often see actors not book certain jobs because of a lack of experience or following?

Kelly: “Lack of experience is something we do think about but we love giving people their first job. The audition room is KEY to making sure a producer and director feel confident in how you will be on set. Some directors see it as their first rehearsal with you.”